Bài báo: “QMaxViT-Unet+: A Query-Based MaxViT-Unet with Edge Enhancement for Scribble-Supervised Segmentation of Medical Images”
Sinh viên thực hiện
- Võ Hoàng An - KHDL 2021 - Tác giả chính
- Đặng Phước Sang - KHNT 2021 - Tác giả chính
Giảng viên hướng dẫn: TS. Nguyễn Tất Bảo Thiện
Tóm tắt bài báo:
The deployment of advanced deep learning models for medical image segmentation is often constrained by the requirement for extensively annotated datasets. Weakly-supervised learning, which allows less precise labels, has become a promising solution to this challenge. Building on this approach, we propose QMaxViT-Unet+, a novel framework for scribble-supervised medical image segmentation. This framework is built on the U-Net architecture, with the encoder and decoder replaced by Multi-Axis Vision Transformer (MaxViT) blocks. These blocks enhance the model's ability to learn local and global features efficiently. Additionally, our approach integrates a query-based Transformer decoder to refine features and an edge enhancement module to compensate for the limited boundary information in the scribble label. We evaluate the proposed QMaxViT-Unet+ on four public datasets focused on cardiac structures, colorectal polyps, and breast cancer: ACDC, MS-CMRSeg, SUN-SEG, and BUSI. Evaluation metrics include the Dice similarity coefficient (DSC) and the 95th percentile of Hausdorff distance (HD95). Experimental results show that QMaxViT-Unet+ achieves 89.1% DSC and 1.316mm HD95 on ACDC, 88.4% DSC and 2.226mm HD95 on MS-CMRSeg, 71.4% DSC and 4.996mm HD95 on SUN-SEG, and 69.4% DSC and 50.122mm HD95 on BUSI. These results demonstrate that our method outperforms existing approaches in terms of accuracy, robustness, and efficiency while remaining competitive with fully-supervised learning approaches. This makes it ideal for medical image analysis, where high-quality annotations are often scarce and require significant effort and expense.
Thông tin chung:
Computers in Biology and Medicine là một tạp chí khoa học quốc tế thuộc hệ thống ISI, xếp hạng Q1, với hệ số ảnh hưởng (Impact Factor) là 7.0. Đây là diễn đàn quốc tế quan trọng truyền tải những tiến bộ mang tính cách mạng trong việc ứng dụng công nghệ máy tính vào các lĩnh vực khoa học sinh học và y học.
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